Coperta “The Heavenly Footman”

The Heavenly Footman

Nr. pagini: 61

Heaven and happiness is that which every one desireth, insomuch that wicked Balaam could say, ‘Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his’ (Num 23:10). Yet for all this, there are but very few that do obtain that ever-to-be-desired glory, insomuch that many eminent professors drop short of a welcome from God into his pleasant place.
The apostle, therefore, because he did desire the salvation of the souls of the Corinthians, to whom he writes this epistle, layeth them down in these words, such counsel, which if taken, would be for their help and advantage. First, Not to be wicked, and sit still, and wish for heaven; but TO RUN for it. Second, Not to content themselves with every kind of running; but, saith he, ‘So RUN, that ye may obtain.’ As if he should say, Some, because they would not lose their souls, they begin to run betimes (Eccl 12:1), they run apace, they run with patience (Heb 12:1), they run the right way (Matt 14:26). Do you so run? Some run from both father and mother, friends and companions, and thus, that they may have the crown. Do you so run? Some run through temptations, afflictions, good report, evil report, that they may win the pearl (1 Cor 4:13; 2 Cor 6). Do you so run? ‘So run that ye may obtain.’
These words, they are taken from men’s running for a wager: a very apt similitude to set before the eyes of the saints of the Lord. ‘Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.’ That is, do not only run, but be sure you win as well as run. ‘So run, that ye may obtain.’

Publicat de: CrossReach Publications

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